Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Update, Wednesday, May 25th- L'ag Ba'Omer eve!

Wednesday evening, May 25th

Hello and Happy L'ag B'Omer!

A few of us worked at Gan Yarok today.  Alex, Emma, Naomi and Leora Mallach all came by to take care
of a number of really important tasks.
Here is what was accomplished:

We purchased salt marsh hay and are in the midst of mulching the entire planted part of the garden. The salt marsh hay will keep our plants cool and moist on hot days and hopefully delay the growth of the weeds.

We expect to have a darker mulch to cover the garden paths.  (Thank you to Vicky and Alex Lyons!)
We need to line the paths with the mulch and we are looking for volunteers.  Please let me know if you can come and spread mulch.  It shouldn't take more than 45 minutes tops.

We put in the flower garden.  I will be at the garden at about 4:30 tomorrow (Thursday, 5/26) and expect to put in a number of herbs to add to the flower garden. Feel free to join me. I'll be there for about 45 minutes.

We planted the potatoes. We are opening up two new rows for planting over the next few days.

We got our hosing installed. (yeah!)
We inspected the periphery of the garden for any pests who might have dug holes to sneak in and munch on our plants.  No diggers yet!  Everyone who has signed up for the garden should inspect the fence each time you come by to water.

Good news! We have someone to design our garden signage!  (More on this in a later post.)

Our first week of tending the garden begins on Sunday, May 29th.  It looks like David Wilensky and Susan Megerman are our first workers.  We'll have the garden ready for you!

Last, thank you to those of you who donated hoses. Sara and Susan, the hosing amount worked out perfectly!

Have a wonderful L'ag B'Omer.  

See you in the garden!


Monday, May 23, 2016

May 22: Working on the fence, tilling, adding organic matter and planting!

May 22, 2016

Thank you to all of you who helped to make this week successful!
We've made a great deal of progress to creating our garden.
We've dug trenches and buried the lower fence to protect against burrowers.
We've added the upper fence to protect against deer who might jump into the garden.
We created a garden design and have planted carrots, beets, swiss chard, cucumbers, tomatoes,
zucchini, green beans and scarlett runner beans.

This week the work was hard, but it was fun to work together in the garden.  It made the more difficult tasks easier to accomplish.  Thank you to Daniel and Shira, to David and to Susan, to Ari and Abe , to Vicky and Alex, to Naomi and Ruthy.  (forgive me if I forgot someone in this list!)

Tasks to be done this week and next:  (for all of these we need assistance)
Please let me know if you can assist with any of these by emailing me.

* Plant potatoes (Wednesday at 5:00)
*Plant the center flower/herb garden (Susan responsible for purchasing flowers which we can use for the bimah or kiddush during the summer months. time to be determined)
* Reinforce the fence on the outside by tamping down the soil and possibly adding more soil. (anytime this week...if someone has an hour, please let me know...this is essential work to protect the plants.)
*Plant one more area of the garden (possibly kale or more tomatoes or onions  Wednesday at 5:00).
* Purchase salt marsh hay  (leann will purchase)
* mulch the gardened areas with salt marsh hay  (Wednesday at 5:00...can you come?)
* work on a good system for irrigation  (Susan will bring more hoses...need a good plan...and help!)

Wish list
I am looking for someone in this group or in the congregation to paint a panel for our door or create a sign on a pole for the center of our flower garden identifying it as Gan Yarok.

Please volunteer if you can.

Once this important work is done we can relax a little bit and begin to do regular upkeep and care, which I will update you on later.

We're all going to work together to make this into a wonderful garden!
